Peak performance for the eyes

Digital vision: Blue light, tired eyes – new demands for the sensory organs. Top performance of the eyes is required not only in screen-based professions. Jewelers and watchmakers need not only manual dexterity and the ability to concentrate, but also outstanding eye-hand coordination – Dipl. Psych. Elisabeth Anna Schulte in conversation with Torsten Humbert, Deutsche Schatzkasse GmbH from Berlin.
Digitalization brings relief, but also new challenges for body and mind. The eyes, as a sensory organ, have to perform at new heights in the many digital applications. Overstraining the sensory organ, which relaxation techniques help? Already in numerous professions with fine motor skills, the eye is trimmed for top performance, think of jewelers, watchmakers, goldsmiths or gemstone cutters, who need outstandingly good eye-hand coordination in addition to manual dexterity and the ability to concentrate. In conversation with Torsten Humbert, expert for precious metals and gemstones. Torsten Humbert can look back on a family line of jewelers that goes back centuries. His ancestors founded their jewelry store in Berlin in 1765, which was later the starting point of the later companies Humbert & Sohn (Jean George Humbert & Sohn was court jeweler from 1799) and Humbert & Heylandt. Torsten Humbert, Managing Director of Deutsche Schatzkasse GmbH on Kurfürstendamm, is considered a proven precious metals expert, having spent his entire professional life since 1990 as a trader and merchant in the field of precious metals and in the buying and selling of valuable jewelry. „A good eye is the be-all and end-all in my line of work. Everyday professional life demands numerous initial assessments and intensive examinations of valuable metals, gemstones and jewelry for authenticity, intactness and much more, which are carried out with the naked eye in the first step,“ explains Humbert.
Digital vision – digital eye stress
Completely new visual experiences are promised by more advanced technologies, such as virtual reality or holography. But what does this mean for the strain on the sensory organs? Screen light in particular not only has an impact on circadian periodicity and the sleep-wake rhythm, but the eyes are particularly stressed. „Through the very concentrated work steps such as the examination of jewelry, we know the symptoms of exhaustion, tension with watery and burning eyes, this often leads to headaches,“ gives Torsten Humbert to consider. Studies prove that whoever suffers from digital visual stress and does not protect himself, long-term damage is pre-programmed. The eyes have to perform at their best in front of the screen. Concentrated and intensive gazing at screens reduces the necessary moistened blink of the eye from 9.7 to 4.3 times per minute when the gaze jumps back and forth between monitor, keyboard and desk. Tear fluid evaporates increasingly and the perceptual consequences are blurredness and thus permanent overload of the sense organs.
Torsten Humbert mentions that the solution cannot lie in the renouncement of screens, because screens are not to be excluded nowadays from the working life. On the contrary, more and more areas are also being conquered in daytime leisure time and in private life. How to work and live eye-friendly?
Precaution: Eyes closed – distance – brightness
Simply close your eyes regularly in between. Already the view sharpens itself that already the Humbertschen court jewelers knew, when they manufactured the Prussian king crown after desire of emperor William II. says Torsten Humbert smiling. It is precisely the regular closing of the eyes that counts as successful preventive care, helps the brain and the eyes to regenerate, as does the establishment of a healthy workplace. „Employers are obliged to set up a healthy VDU workplace as part of occupational health and safety. Health protection in the workplace is considered a high good by the legislator,“ explains Humbert. As part of occupational health and safety, employees are entitled to regular occupational medical examinations. Employer obligations also include low-radiation, eye-friendly monitors, high-quality, health-promoting office furniture, user-friendly software, adequate lighting, ergonomic and height-adjustable office furniture, and much more.
Eye training against digital eye stress
Tired and burning eyes are mainly caused by lighting and the duration of screen activity. The daily eye training (visual training) should not be neglected, which everyone can carry out for themselves as a precautionary measure against digital eye stress. The following exercises are recommended:
- Upright sitting position, strengthens vision, then hold the index finger of the right and left hand at different distances in front of the eye and another focus on the image on the wall.
- Slowly switch from the near to the farther finger and the image on the wall. Focus the eyes on each of the different objects, alternating from one distance to the other.
- Close eyes for 10 seconds after each pass, repeat exercise up to five times.
- Look away from the screen into the distance, close eyes for 10 seconds, open and look up for 10 seconds. Repeat this up to five times.
To ensure the requirements of a healthy workplace with regard to the eyes, care must be taken to ensure the correct positioning of the screen according to ergonomic findings, the lighting must be aligned with the employee’s activity and eyesight, and regular screen breaks must be taken. Natural prevention includes, for example, looking into the distance, which means relaxation and concentration for the eyes at the same time. Studies show that the eyes like it particularly green. Flowers, trees, meadows and recreational areas are the best food for the eyes. For the best natural relaxation exercises, the eye needs greenery at least six meters away. Research shows that it is only at this distance that the eyes adjust to infinity, as opposed to screen work, which strains the eyes due to close distance, as well as fine motor activities. The secret lies in alternating between close-up and television, the eye muscle needs training and variety.
Visual training: „I see what you see and it looks gold“ – imagination and eye changes promote long-term and holistic health with joy, variety and communication.
Why not play „I see what you don’t see“ as visual training with your fellow participants during the break? Visual training stimulates the blood circulation, regular screen breaks, relaxation exercises in the green as techniques, are easy to incorporate into everyday life. Torsten Humbert gives to consider that a key lies in the conscious decision of the screen time, convertible in the spare time. In addition, attention should be paid to high-quality devices with the right size and distance from the eye. Increasing quality of life can also be enhanced with blue-filtered glasses and not using screens before going to sleep.
Dipl.-Psych. & Bloggerin
About the author:
Elisabeth successfully graduated as a Dipl. Psych. and actually works on clinical studies, in addition to the project Health from A-Z. Since 2021 she publishes and since 2022 she is an author at Her passion is virtual global journey, aiming to discover long-term sustainable therapies for holistic health. Special interest lies in the transformation of healthcare through technology, digitalization and artificial intelligence to holistic health. You can reach us at
About the company:
Deutsche Schatzkasse GmbH and Kessef antique & modern silver, based in Berlin, is active in the trade for precious metals, the purchase and sale of gemstones and jewelry. Mr. Torsten Humbert is considered a proven precious metals expert and has spent his entire professional life since 1990 as a trader and merchant in the field of precious metals. After the apprenticeship in a technical field followed the self-employment in the purchase and sale of precious metals and valuable jewelry, based on the historical family branch of Humbert & Sohn. For more information, visit
German treasury GmbH
Torsten Humbert
Managing director
Kurfürstendamm 30
10719 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 2000 90 700
Fax: +49 30 88 71 30 88
Deutsche Schatzkasse GmbH
Torsten Humbert
Kurfürstendamm 30
10719 Berlin
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Telefon: +49 30 2000 90 700
Telefax: +49 30 88 71 30 88